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Candlestick Charts Explained - Trading the Patterns
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The Call/Put binary option, which is a direction-based prediction option, is probably the most straightforward option to trade. With candlesticks, you can tell when buyers will be active (pushing prices up), or when sellers are dominating the market to push prices down. Reading candlestick charts provides a solid foundation for technical analysis and winning binary options strategy. Japanese Candlestick Charts Explained. Japanese Candlesticks are one of the most widely used chart types. The charts show a lot of information, and do so in a highly visual way, making it easy for traders to see potential trading. The shooting star binary options strategy uses candlesticks in order to predict the decreasing binary options candlestick strategy pdf of the value of the asset in short term Mar 22, · Best IQ Option Strategy- IQ Option Tips For Winning Trades IQ Option is a broker that offers binary and digital options along with forex, crypto, winning.